I am so happy, grateful and honored to be nominated for a Liebster Award

by my co-blogger The Copenhagen Tales with the words 

– InteriorWise, for doing her very own thing and breaking the rules!


At first I didn’t really know what the Liebster Award actually stands for but I found out that its a blogger to blogger award given to new blogs, saying I enjoy your blog – keep up the good work – an awesome way to recognize each others uniqueness! Having existed for only 5 month I am deeply honored! Further more it really makes me wanna blog even more and even better, just because I can’t help myself! 😉 With the nomination I was asked to answer the following questions about myself!

What do you love most about writing a blog?

When I am writing my blog, its like giving myself a treat – I focus only on my passion and it gives me a break from everyday life, thoughts and concerns – its like a playground where the creative part of my brain can let go and breath! It makes me happy! 

One more really important thing is, that I love to share ideas and thoughts – I really enjoy when people out there wants to interact with me, it gives me so much energy and boost my hunger to find even funnier, more beautiful and unique stuff!

If you could be anyone in the world, dead or alive, for one day, who would it be?

Anne Marie Helger – just because she is Anne Marie Helger! She is dedicated to politics, she is funny, she dares being herself, she dresses like a million, not afraid of colors, she is everything beyond the ordinary – she is a huge inspiration! For those of you outside Denmark, Anne Marie Helger is an actress, 68 years old, the most awesome performer and speaker – always with a political angle for sure – dedicated to the left wing! Not only good looks, and I think her look says it all 🙂 

What is the most important quality in a friend?

Trust, humor and being able to cry in his/her company!

What is your favorite place in the entire world?

Though I hate flying – its actually being on a plane, being on the run for new adventures!

Chocolate or vanilla?

NO doubt chocolate!

Who inspires you most?

Interiorwise I must say Abigail Ahern and The Novogratz – because they go all the way! 

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?

Don’t be anybody else but you!

What is the best piece of advice you can give to someone maintaining a small blog?

Your blog is unique, stay true to yourself, forget all about numbers and competition! And do it because you love it!

I just stopped by a blogger from the States who wrote, The Liebster Award is a huge recognition and an even bigger kind of cyber hug!!! I like that, and now I have the great honor to present my nominees…

Design Joy for being eclectic in style and theme, an inspiration and a cool co-blogger!

Grønnere for securing me a proper meal – the best veggie recipes and tasty photos!

Colorama boligdrømme for sharing the passion for colors and for the courage to paint… repaint and paint again! 

Frøken Overspringshandling for inspiration and for sharing my passion for flee market treasures, DIY projects and the city of Copenhagen! 

I could have come up with so many cool bloggers and in reality I want you all to check out thousands of other amazing blogs! You can follow my list of ´Cool places to visit´  which I sporadically will update

Thank you everybody for following me and for the nomination,



2 responses to “What a LIEBSTER DAY!

  • Grønnere

    Hej Daniélle!

    Tak for nomineringen! Hvor blev jeg glad da jeg så det! Og hvor er det bare en god idé at anerkende alle de små blogs der blomstre op (:

    Jeg prøvede at kigge rundt på forskellige blogs der har fået tildelt denne fine nominering, og jeg blev helt i tvivl om der er nogle spørgsmål jeg skal besvare (ligesom du har gjort her i indlægget) i forbindelse med de blogs jeg vil nominere? I så fald, hvor finder jeg disse? 🙂

    Og hvor er det en dejlig blog du har! Kan godt forstå du er blevet tildelt denne award 🙂

    Mange kærlige og grønne hilsner fra
    Mo // http://www.groennere.wordpress.com


    • Interior Wise

      Hej Mo

      Dejligt at høre, at den gjorde glæde, som tiltænkt… og virkelig fortjent! 🙂 Du kan vælge om du vil stille spørgsmål, og du må formulere præcis de spørgsmål, som du ønsker de andre bloggere skal svare på. Jeg har valgt ikke at stille spørgsmål, men det står dig frit for 🙂 Tak for dine fine, de varmer… og jeg vil tæt fortsætte med at sluge dine grønne retter 🙂

      Kærlig hilsen


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